So much has happened and I don't much feel like talking about any of it. So little of what interests me is ever interesting to other people. For instance, here's what interests me today:
1. Contour Memory Foam Pillow (THX TARGET STORES)
2. Season 3 of "24" on Netflix Instant Streaming (TONY&MICHELLE 4EVA R.I.P.)
3. The new blu-ray player I got for super cheap (YAY better late then never)
4. Online dating w/ possible serial killerz.
5. Job Applications (k these dn't really interest me -just need to make dat $$$)
I mean, what person has just now in the year 2011 got a blu-ray player and started watching 24? Am I still in the early 2000's or what?
My roommate's in friggen Europe eating cucumber sandwiches. I've got the place all to myself ... Is it weird that I tried on her clothes? I'm not trying to be her exactly. I'm trying to kill her and wear her skin. It puts the lotion in the bucket lol j/k!! Is it even worse that I wore one of her shirts to class and took some of her vitamins and sprayed myself w/ her perfume? I know. I need help.
I'm actually that f-ed up character from the movie "The Roomate" -so predictible. I'm gonna Mr. Ripley her! If you don't know what the hell I'm saying, you need to watch movies more.
Trying to find a quality guy online isn't easy. If the dude has more than one picture on his profile, chances are he will look like two completely different people in each of them. You have to try and guess which one's the real picture or if either of them are real pictures. I started chatting with this complete stranger called 'Chad' -which is a horrible name, but he seemed ok. Then this other dude quoted "Wayne's World" to me which is practically the quickest way to my heart. So I hope to be meeting them in person reeeeal soon.
And if I get killed by one of them, you all will know that this 'Chad' is behind it or else a guy that's seen a Mike Myers movie. Yeah, just tell that to the police -I'm sure they'll find the killer.
I'm supposed to be romantic because libras are romantic. It's just hard to be real passionate when there's no drama or high-stakes/life&death type stuff happening that would thrust two people together. Like when Tony says to Michelle that he wants to take her away from CTU so that they can be together and stop putting their lives at risk. And finally, as the music swells, she agrees, weeping and clutching him. But of course he's got to run tatical during a field mission and he gets taken hostage, at which point, Michelle is forced to either give in to the terrorists demands or watch a live-feed of her husband getting knifed. Anyhow, it's really intense. They survive all that only for Michelle to go and get blown up by a car-bomb in season 5 while carrying Tony's child.
And I'm sure things like that happen in real life all the time. NOT. Are you mental?
Like imagine two file clerks typing emails behind their desks and one of them says to the other, "Oh, Gina...I just want to take you away from all this! I want to start a new life with you."
And she responds, "Yes, Berry! I love you, and I want you to be my life now. This has all been so dangerous. It's no way to live!!"
That would never happen! Gina would be like, "WTF are you talking about Berry? We just work in a boring-ass office and we're out of toner."
idk. I'm gonna go sleep in my roommate's bed now. Goodnight internet.
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